
Access to Poznan

Information how you can get to Poznan are avaiable here.

Access to Educational Center at Poznan University of Technology

Destination adress: Piotrowo 3 Street, Poznan


Local TAXI number: 61 8 222 222
Educational Center at Poznan University of Technology in Polish is called Centrum Wykładowo-Konrefencyjne Politechniki Poznanskiej

By public transport

Please remember that Poznan Public Transport offers the following types of tickets:
- 10-minute and 40-minute time-limit tickets
- single-journey ticket (it can also be a 40-minute time-limit ticket).

From Main Train Station
Take tram no. 3 (towards Wilczak) or 6 (towards Miłostowo) at Poznan Główny stop, after approximately 14 min. of travel get off
at the Baraniaka stop. Educational Center is less then 500 m form the Baraniaka tram stop, follow the way in the opposite direction of the Malta Lake.

From Ławica Aiport
Take bus no. 77 (towards Rondo Kaponiera) or 48 (towards Rondo Kaponiera) at Ławica stop after approximately 25 min. of travel get off at the Rondo Kaponiera, the last stop.
Then take tram no. 17 (towards Starołeka) at Zeylanda stop, after approximately 16 min. of travel get off at the Baraniaka stop.
Educational Center is less then 500 m form the Baraniaka tram stop, follow the way in the opposite direction of the Malta Lake.

From Bus Station
Take tram no. 3 (towards Wilczak) or 6 (towards Miłostowo) at Wierzbiecice stop, after approximately 13 min. of travel get off
at the Baraniaka stop. Educational Center is less then 500 m form the Baraniaka tram stop, follow the way in the opposite direction of the Malta Lake.

You can also use public transport route planner or public transport website.