Conference fee

Registration fee includes: welcome reception, participation in all sessions, coffee and beverages during two breaks each day, lunches, conference materials and gala dinner.

Standard registration fee:
250 EUR
(1100 PLN for Polish participants)

There exists fee reduction for Dymat members
Dymat members registration fee:
220 EUR
(1000 PLN for Polish participants)

Bank transfer information:
Account Name: Towarzystwo Poligrodzianie
Adress: Lanowa 18, 62-081 Przezmierowo
Name of Bank: Bank Ochrony Srodowiska S.A. (BOS S.A.)
Account Number: PL 39 1540 1056 2001 8312 9885 0001
Payment title: DBM Workshop2016 - Name and Surname of Participant

Please note that, if payment is made by private person, for invoice puprose Payment title should include:
Institution Name, Adress and its GST/NIP